Trader Joe’s Organic Virgin Coconut Oil

20170410_175400_wmI am not a fan of greasy hair and that is exactly how I thought my hair would feel if I ever used Coconut Oil on my hair. Just recently, I found out how beneficial coconut oil is to hair care. It helps with healthy growth and of course adds shine to your strands. The growth part is what I really loved. If you don’t know, length is one of my goals for this year and beyond of course. I obviously don’t expect my hair to grow overnight but I am making sure that I take the steps needed to achieve my goal.

I always thought that coconut oil was only for shine and luster. I immediately added this product to my hair regimen with my overnight hot oil treatment, which helps to avoid the greasy feeling of adding it to my styling regimen. The surprising part is that my strands literally embrace and soak up on it when applied. It leaves my hair feeling moisturized and provides it with the essential proteins for nourishing, especially since I recently colored my strands. Best of all, this product is organic, kosher and non-GMO.

In the video above, you can see how the Coconut Oil with the addition of water helped to revert my hair back to its natural state after taking down my Senegalese Twists.

Where To Buy: At your local Trader Joe’s store, Walmart or Amazon.

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